$97.00 USD

Every month

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~ the ~ Spiritual ~ Creativity ~ Collective ~


You came here to birth unique creations. You came here to be a creator and share your unique light with the world. You are an artist manifesting your life one day at a time!

Are you creating the things you desire in life? Are you completing the projects you begin? Are you organizing your time to manifest your creations? Or could you use some support?

We each have a voice and something to express! Maybe you do it in natural, intimate ways or maybe you’re walking on stages or singing in front of cameras. Whatever you do or feel like you’re here to do, this is it! This is your life! This is the moment- your invitation to shine brighter- join us as you intentionally build your life, make your art, and complete your hearts desired creations.

What is included:

COMMUNITY: Gather online in Sacred Circle once a month for ceremony, reflection, and sharing. When? *Last Sunday of the month 1:00-2:30pm EST. *Nov & Dec- adjusted for holidays 

1 on 1 COACHING: Each month you get 1 private, 25 minute support session. When? Access my calendar & schedule what works for you.

POWER WEEKS: Create & Accomplish! One week a month- we ground & then dive in together to focus & create. Receive that extra accountability. *Commit to 1 day or join all 3 When? 1 week a month on M/W/F at 1:00-3:30pm EST. (between the new and full moon each month)

VISIONING WORKBOOK: My unique 30 page guide to vision and plan for what your soul & inner artist are calling you to create now.

SPIRITUAL CREATIVITY COLLECTIVE: Receive clarity, accountability, community throughout the year and together we'll take inspired action to bring our creations to life. *option to join a private Facebook group.

BONUSES: Receive rituals to nourish your inner artist, practical tools to accomplish, heal & find fulfillment. Get that support to stay focused and move forward with your creations. *Recorded & accessed as pleased.

If you want the same results you've always had, keep doing what you've always done. Or try something new! You decide. I look forward to connecting and creating with you inside!

*No ties. Try it for a month & stay forever... or cancel before your next monthly charge - no questions asked.